Available Payment Methods

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Kayn, Aug 21, 2018.

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  1. Kayn

    Kayn Master Cracker
    Staff Member Administrator

    We accept the following payment methods:
    1. Payeer
      Sign in for a free wallet then you can fund your account using the deposit method you like. Deposit methods varies depending on your country of resistance.

    2. Cryptocurrency
      LTC, BTC, ETH, DOGE and many more...

    3. Steam Wallet Card
      Accept USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, NZD, TWD, BRL, HKD, KRW value (min. 10). You can buy steam codes at:
      For Chinese users: https://www.play-asia.com/ or https://taobao.com/

    4. Paysafe Card
      Tell us which country is the paysafe code from first. Not all countries are supported.
    Because most of the people are asking why PayPal is not supported, the reason is simple. First and most important, we can't even use PayPal in our country. Second, PayPal have very strong policy against people who are selling cracks. As most of you know we're selling cracks for which PayPal may not equally assist us in case of buyer refund, ignore us or even block our account for selling other people's work. This is the main reasons for which PayPal may never be supported. This forum post may be changed unilaterally, before ordering always check for updates!
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