[FREE CRACK] Valorant TPM, Secure Boot and HVCI popup bypass

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by kali, Dec 22, 2024.

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  1. kali

    kali 0x01337
    Staff Member Administrator

    I have deobfuscated, unpacked and extracted the python script out of the official provider executable file and modified the server calls for the license checker. It's a python script, the full source code is presented within the script - feel free to change it by your needs.

    Download: https://file.io/vshfTxeWbdSa
    Archive password: leaguecrack.io

    1. Install python: https://www.python.org/downloads/
    2. Run CMD as Administrator and type pip install psutil
    3. Run CMD and navigate to the folder where the script is located e.g type cd C:\bypass
    4. Run Valorant, wait for the popup restriction message to appear
    5. From within the CMD you opened in step 3, type cracked_by_leaguecrack.py
    6. You will be asked for username and license. Type leaguecrack for both
    7. Press the Bypass Popup button to remove the restriction popup message in Valorant
    Note: You have to do this process after each game. Restart Valorant and re-apply the steps to remove the vanguard restriction popup. You can also try the Auto Bypass option, but I am not sure if it works properly. If the popup is not removed by itself after pressing the Bypass Popup button, just click OK on the popup in game.

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