bypass and spoofer diff?

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by ragequit, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. ragequit

    ragequit Subscriber

    so i've been playing with zenbot for about a month haven't got banned but i got called out couple times i guess it's my fault cause i've been a bit rage especially in high elo using strong evade configs also go some irelia games where i was Q'ing through the minions like a true gosu and i would say that i expect manual ban soon and i am no sure how to deal with it with that bypass? i know what a spoofer is but i have no idea about bypass. does this thing disable vanguard and you can not be banned or what is the difference?
  2. kali

    kali 0x01337
    Staff Member Administrator

    The bypass will prevent Vanguard from banning your HWID. It doesn't disable Vanguard, but it "tricks" it thinking that it bans your HWID when in fact it doesn't. If you get flagged either due to manual reports or something else and you account is banned, your account will be banned, there is no way around that, but with an active bypass, your HWID will not be banned, therefore you can just swap to another account an continue playing normally. There will be no spoofing required, no game reinstall required nor windows reinstall or BIOS flash. All you do is go into another account and you are good to go as long as you get banned while you had a bypass active ( this is only a case if you are using LT++ Internal or Zenbot Private ).

    A spoofer ( as many of you may already know ) is just a tool to spoof a.k.a change your HWID serials so Vanguard will not automatically ban you and you will be able to play again even tho you were banned, but in this case you need to spoof which means you will have to:
    1. Reinstall Windows
    2. Flash BIOS
    3. Spoof Serials
  3. KAMO

    KAMO Subscriber

    LS can also spoof with one click of a button no windows or bios flash needed :cool:

    RETROPANDA Subscriber

    If you are talking about their update something id button then you are delusional lmao :D you get delay banned after couple games or maximum a day
  5. Dive

    Dive Subscriber

    @RETROPANDA is right, unfortunately. I got banned with LS then updated machine id and still got banned next day mid-game. I had to find a real spoofer and update bios + reinstall os